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Call for Art & Vizualizations

Deadline: 25 April, 2021

Extended Deadline: 31 May, 2021


The ALIFE 2021 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit your work to the Virtual 2021 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2021), 19-23 July 2021.


Call for Artists, Roboticists, and Researchers with cool visualizations and cutting-edge art


You are invited to submit your work for consideration in the 2021 ALIFE conference art exhibition. 


Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, ALIFE 2021 is a virtual conference. In accordance, we are designing an online experience for this year’s virtual conference gallery. Digital, as well as Two and Three-dimensional physical art will be considered, but due to the virtual nature of the conference, only still images and video will be on display.


For this edition of the conference on artificial life the special theme is "Robots: The century past and the century ahead".



We will be giving award in “ALIFE 2021 Art Award” category, as well as a people’s choice award. There will be a special award related to the theme ALIFE & ROBOTS.


See winners




(Image on the right side is used with the courtesy of Karel ÄŒapek's Memorial).


Submission Process

Artists should submit a short (1/2 to 2-page) abstract explaining their work through the art submission form until 31 May. They should also specify how their work is related to artificial life, artificial intelligence, robots and/or R.U.R.


Featured Artists

In addition to our contributed art submissions, we will also feature a selected set of artists in our virtual conference gallery. To be considered as a featured artist please specify this in the submission form. Featured artists will be asked to provide a 5-minute video explaining their work and to attend a virtual art gallery session during the conference.


Art Scholarship

We will have a limited number of art scholarships available, please submit a motivation letter via the submission form if you have no funding to pay the conference fee. (Students should apply for Student Conference Scholarship until April 30).


Contact email for queries:

(please start the subject of your email by [CALL FOR ART])



Juan Manuel Castro


Juan is a media artist and researcher in soft matter and systems chemistry based in Japan. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Advanced Media Art and Sciences (IAMAS). Castro works mainly in hybrid installations on subjects centring on the origin, (re)definitions and future of life. He has been presenting his projects internationally in museums, art & science festivals, scientific meetings and academic conferences. His work has been exhibited at NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), Japan; Science Gallery, Ireland; the Central House of Artists, Russia; the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design; the Esther Klein Gallery -- Science Centre, USA; among others.


Jana Horálková


Jana is an artist. She is interested in principles, systems and geometry which nature uses to build its structures. The process of growing and related rules are more important for her than the result itself.

Any being circumscribe and shape own space to feel comfortable and safely. Nature creates cocoons, shells, capsules and many other kinds of spaces which are partially enclosed but necessarily interacting with its surrounding. We design cities, houses and we live in our flats and private rooms. Her objects create private spaces comparable to enclosed systems grown by nature, and transformed into human scale. She uses artificial materials produced by man, form derived from nature and she follows the same innate need for authentic and familiar space. At the end there are often interactive objects connecting nature and human ways of creativity.


Petr Salaba

Solar Film Ltd.

Documentary Filmmaker

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